FNA History
Established 27th October 1956 – mooted by 6 nurses and after a membership drive, 25 members were recruited.
1st Annual Conference was held in Suva on 5th January 1957 – of the 97 members, 60 members attended the conference)
On 23rd of March 1977 – the Government of Fiji officially gave the FNA recognition for collective bargaining purposes under the provisions of the Trade Unions (Recognition) Act, 1976.
With this recognition the Fiji Nurses Association was recognised, as the only trade union in Fiji that can legally bargain for nurses
One of the core objectives of the FNA then was to establish improved working conditions for nurses.
1977, 87% of nurses were members of the FNA and almost always would come out
victorious with their collective bargaining campaigns.
FNA Vision
Nurses working together to advance nursing, health and welfare.
FNA Mission
The FNA is the national voice of nursing personnel, advancing the practice of nursing and the profession to improve health outcomes, and advocating for better welfare for nursing by
Unifying the voices of nurses;
Strengthening nursing development;
nursing excellence and a vibrant profession; Promoting quality health
the public interest;
for better working conditions;
Promoting socio – economic activities for members;
Business arm of the association
FNA Objectives
Facilitate the nursing service and nursing profession in accordance with public needs.
i. Advocate standards for entry into nursing practice.
i. Influence nursing education and training in accordance with the current developments within the nursing service and profession.
i. Promote nursing research, professional ethics and nursing management.
Influence the development of the health service in such ways that enable to prevent and/or solve the health problems of the population.
i. Inform members about trends, issues or changes within the profession and prepare members to deal with them.
i. Promote a spirit of mutual respect and understanding between employers and the Association and to secure the establishment of recognised and permanent machinery for negotiations with employers.
i. Ensure the social and economic welfare of nurses is improved.
Promote international understanding and solidarity and through its international work, contribute to a democratic development and protection of human rights.
i. Secure the complete organization in the association of all nurses who are registered and practicing in Fiji including all persons in training for the profession of nursing.