Individual Membership shall pay a full subscription fee of $20.00 and these are
its benefits.
ÿ Death/Retirement Benefit Fund
ÿ Education Assistance
ÿ Natural Disaster
ÿ Salary Assistance
ÿ Legal Assistance
ÿ Special Projects
ÿ Medical - Local/Overseas
The subscriptions payable by persons in training for the nursing profession shall be at the rate of one dollar ($1) per fortnightly pay period.
Subscriptions may be paid by equal periodical deductions from her/his salary, but must be paid in full before 31 December of each year.
How to Become a Member
All persons eligible for membership must be willing to abide by the Constitution and other by-laws or policies, and must maintain an interest in the activities of the Association.
of Membership and Benefits
Individual Membership :
Individual Membership with full
benefits of the Association is open to all registered nurses, enrolled nurses,
and medical orderlies of specialized institutions.
II. Group Membership :
An organization or society involved in, or in
training for the occupation of nursing, and has a minimum of 20 members and a
basic Constitution, upon approval of the National Council may register as group
member. Benefits would include secretariat privileges and may represent the
group to negotiations with employers.
Membership :
Membership of persons of either sex
in training for the occupation of nursing may join the Association and on
joining shall enjoy full privileges of such membership except that they shall
not be a member of the National Council of the Association.
(Professional) Membership :
Any professional individual with an
interest in the Association, either historically or for the purpose of
contributing to the ideals of the organization on the voluntary basis may be
registered honoured with Honorary (Professional) member. They may only receive
remuneration where they have specifically been contracted for a project.
III. Honorary Patronage Membership :
of persons, professional or non-professional; those upon reaching retirement
age and retiring from the occupation of nursing and not being fully employed
elsewhere, whom the National Council believes has served or can serve the
Association and is deserving of such acknowledgement, may be appointed honorary
patronage members provided if they prefer to continue as financial member by
paying $10.00 per month.