26 McGregor Road, Suva


C A R I N G   I S  O U R   C O N C E R N

2023 Nursing Regional Conference

Theme: Achieving Universal Health Coverage in the Pacific:
Challenges and Opportunities for Nurses

The FNA is delighted to convene the milestone 1st Nursing Regional Conference in March 2023.

The conference is organized as a face-to-face conference on 1st – 3rd March 2023. 

Additional opportunity: Field trip to a Fijian village on 2nd March 2023


12th November 2022                         Call for Abstracts Open

    14th November 2022                     Call for Registration Open

 20th January 2023                               Call for Abstracts Close

                                 22nd January 2023                         Registration for abstract presenters close

      23rd January 2023                          Draft programme released

    31st January 2023                           Final programme released

1st - 3rd March 2023                       FNA Regional conference

The call for Abstracts for the conference is now open. The deadline for submitting the abstracts is 20th January 2023. Please click the button below for more information about the Abstract.
Register Here

Registration is now open


To register, complete the online form above

If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact the following email address;

akisi.ravono@gmail.com;  OR ratulkunavuni2011@gmail.com



The Fiji Nursing Association has taken the initiative to host a regional scientific conference for the regional Pacific NNAs in the lead-up to the 2023 ICN Congress in July in Canada.  Nurses in the Pacific region are witnessing the daily impacts of the pandemic and the total breakdown of the health system through the high rise of NCDs and CDs, including infectious disease epidemics. In any humanitarian crisis such as the Covid-19 outbreak, nurses were at the front line playing a vital role in ensuring that they provided quality care to the patients.

Nursing workforce issues have continued to affect nursing care. In acknowledging the importance of nurses’ role in global health, and the positive contribution to universal health coverage, the Fiji Nursing Association is hosting an inaugural Nursing Regional conference in Fiji on February 2023. It will be an excellent platform for all Nurses in Fiji and the region including Australia and New Zealand, and nursing educators from leading universities to discuss their experiences on all the aspects of nursing and challenges faced during the pandemic, and address ways to improve health care needs and preparedness to respond to a future pandemic or any other humanitarian crisis and identify ways of advancement in the field of nursing. It will also explore ways nurses can move forward into action and explore the work of improving the healthcare system by informing policymakers.


CPD points will be awarded daily

Networking, meeting with other nurses in similar fields through break-out sessions, meet key speakers in areas of expertise, like climate change, professors, researchers

Site visit – conduct health education, relate experience to communities, identify changing climatic conditions effects on health


Conference Theme: Achieving Universal Health Coverage in the Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities for Nurses

As nurses and the heartbeat of healthcare systems, we are committed to deliver best practice to restore health and empower people and their communities to live healthily. In times of disasters, nurses take the lead role in ensuring health care plans are delivered to ensure continuity of care and wellbeing. At this conference, we have chosen the theme: Achieving Universal Health Coverage in the Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities for Nurses.

 This theme encourages members and conference participants to be wise while reflecting about the past and also being courageous in our aspirations for the future in ways which connects us to the present.

Abstracts will be accepted which respond to theme and align to one of the following thematic categories:

Ø  Sustainability & Climate Change – In this theme, we discuss how nurses as health professionals are in unique positions to inform and mobilize society to act on climate change. Here, we aim to inspire nurses to be leaders in helping our patients, our communities, and our health care institutions to engage in climate change mitigation activities and in preparing for potential effects of climate change.

Ø  Telemedicine & Health – In this theme, we discuss how in a pandemic, nurses are made to continue to deliver care through telemedicine, which enables access to healthcare despite barriers. Here, we aim to discuss how telemedicine has been used and can help to diagnose and treat patients in remote areas.

Ø  Mental Health - In this theme, we reflect on how the environment around us affect our mental health and it’s implication to nursing. The focus will be on: 

climate change, pandemic perinatal, child & adolescent mental health and substance use among youth.

Ø  Maternal Child Health, Pediatric, Critical Care & Emergency, FEMAT – In this theme, we reflect on how the pandemic had brought a lot of challengers to nursing and health care system. Discussions will be on lesson learnt and the way forward from the community health, Maternal Child Health, Pediatric, critical and emergency care FEMAT nursing perspectives.

Ø  Quality and Safe Nursing Practice – Health care services and organizations influence change for quality & safety innovations in patient care. Such initiatives promote quality & safety education that influence quality and safety leadership, management, inter professional teamwork, and quality & safety competency in nursing education.

Ø  Addressing Global health priorities – In this theme, we discuss hoe health equity has become a priority, by having a mix of clinical, mental, social, emotional, physical and spiritual health is important. It is time for healthcare leaders to set targets to reduce carbon footprint and join the fight against climate change, so there is a need for environmental, social and governance strategies for resilience. Also, Covid 19 has pushed mental and behavioral health up to the political agenda and access to quality services have been affected, which brought Mental health and wellbeing to the fore. Additionally, Digital Transformation has been evident when the pandemic forced healthcare providers to rethink their strategies and quickly switch to virtual care when possible. With this in mind, it is interesting to see medical science advancing at a rapid pace where we see the medical technology innovation, and most importantly,

Public health has been reimagined by rethinking of transforming healthcare services that are human-centered, inclusive, and ready for future disasters.

Ø  Nursing leadership shaping the future of health care – In this theme, we discuss the nurturing of nurses to develop leadership skills, translation of leadership to actions to enhance quality nursing care delivery.

Ø  Innovation in Health – In this theme, we will be discussing strategies and innovative ideas to adapt to the new norm.

Ø  Growing & Sustaining the Nursing Workforce – In this theme, we will reflect on the previous experiences and identify strategies to combat challenges. Further, identify relevant professional programs to align to market needs and develop means to sustain the nursing workforce.

Ø  Promoting & enabling healthier Communities – In this theme, we will highlight the social determinants of health and its impact on health- related behaviors. 

Executive Members

Dr Adi Alisi Vudiniabola


Mereani Gavidi Naikawakawavesi

1st Vice President

Ms Filo Talawadua

General Secretary

Ranadi Vakameau Butadroka


Staff Members

Adi Leisi Caginitoba


Ms Caroline Ho

Accounts Officer

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Ms Eseta Korosinu

Cleaner/ Messenger